all postcodes in HD6 / BRIGHOUSE

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD6 1WF 1 53.698358 -1.775121
HD6 1FG 24 0 53.702726 -1.784686
HD6 1NA 7 7 53.696124 -1.772256
HD6 1QQ 2 2 53.70063 -1.770355
HD6 1UQ 3 0 53.705639 -1.779809
HD6 1JJ 18 0 53.700955 -1.77947
HD6 1EY 3 3 53.700229 -1.780761
HD6 1NQ 1 53.696769 -1.771192
HD6 1LB 3 0 53.698637 -1.775135
HD6 1PL 2 1 53.701118 -1.775349