all postcodes in HD8 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD8 0QX 0 53.617956 -1.714581
HD8 0QY 0 53.620059 -1.714612
HD8 0QZ 0 53.619263 -1.716114
HD8 0RA 0 53.620111 -1.717469
HD8 0RB 1 53.619042 -1.717491
HD8 0RD 0 53.617069 -1.708102
HD8 0RE 0 53.617697 -1.707856
HD8 0RF 0 53.616707 -1.707318
HD8 0RG 0 53.616336 -1.706051
HD8 0RH 5 53.612621 -1.705019
HD8 0RL 6 53.61194 -1.703348
HD8 0RN 1 53.611285 -1.702927
HD8 0RQ 0 53.616976 -1.710763
HD8 0RR 1 53.610653 -1.702677
HD8 0RS 0 53.610478 -1.703734
HD8 0RT 1 53.610502 -1.702343
HD8 0RU 7 53.61027 -1.70301
HD8 0RW 4 53.610972 -1.703398
HD8 0RX 2 53.610136 -1.703298
HD8 0RY 0 53.611452 -1.705057