all postcodes in HD8 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD8 9BA 22 0 53.597123 -1.650686
HD8 9BB 17 0 53.597964 -1.649486
HD8 9BD 8 0 53.59519 -1.653815
HD8 9BE 30 0 53.594565 -1.652067
HD8 9BF 4 0 53.589402 -1.65711
HD8 9BG 45 1 53.593461 -1.652575
HD8 9BH 31 1 53.592099 -1.651075
HD8 9BL 16 1 53.59096 -1.651946
HD8 9BN 31 0 53.592077 -1.65591
HD8 9BP 6 0 53.58799 -1.650625
HD8 9BQ 13 1 53.592547 -1.650512
HD8 9BR 8 0 53.586852 -1.651587
HD8 9BS 7 0 53.589047 -1.652399
HD8 9BT 31 0 53.588735 -1.653112
HD8 9BU 46 0 53.587967 -1.658043
HD8 9BW 13 0 53.587015 -1.652008
HD8 9BX 2 0 53.592192 -1.652724
HD8 9BY 9 0 53.593208 -1.651972
HD8 9BZ 49 0 53.590088 -1.651726
HD8 9DA 59 20 53.591604 -1.650686