all postcodes in HD9 / HOLMFIRTH

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD9 1JS 6 0 53.578155 -1.758934
HD9 1LA 6 0 53.576551 -1.757146
HD9 1LB 13 0 53.57996 -1.771943
HD9 1LE 9 0 53.578156 -1.760672
HD9 1LF 11 0 53.580725 -1.772755
HD9 1LG 4 0 53.576221 -1.758417
HD9 1LH 33 1 53.576998 -1.764876
HD9 1LJ 48 1 53.5765 -1.763187
HD9 1LL 25 0 53.576431 -1.760213
HD9 1LN 26 0 53.577175 -1.759151
HD9 1LP 44 0 53.576615 -1.766751
HD9 1LQ 25 0 53.577533 -1.763953
HD9 1LR 24 0 53.576766 -1.765844
HD9 1LS 16 3 53.577953 -1.765913
HD9 1LT 52 0 53.578873 -1.767766
HD9 1LU 18 0 53.576111 -1.757557
HD9 1LW 47 1 53.5775 -1.760993
HD9 1LX 19 0 53.563618 -1.753567
HD9 1LY 12 1 53.563493 -1.754731
HD9 1LZ 6 0 53.563072 -1.754415