all postcodes in HP11 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP11 2DN 4 51.632381 -0.755606
HP11 2PR 5 51.630593 -0.757875
HP11 2DX 1 51.632726 -0.756723
HP11 2EB 2 51.632323 -0.756922
HP11 2EE 5 51.632369 -0.757537
HP11 2EL 12 51.631188 -0.757237
HP11 2EN 1 51.632074 -0.756337
HP11 2EQ 1 51.632208 -0.757099
HP11 2ET 0 51.631994 -0.758116
HP11 2GW 1 51.627751 -0.748018
HP11 2HB 0 51.627362 -0.754544
HP11 2HE 6 51.628127 -0.751258
HP11 2HF 3 51.628612 -0.751245
HP11 2HJ 0 51.627451 -0.755322
HP11 2HL 16 51.629775 -0.752354
HP11 2HQ 4 51.628718 -0.751497
HP11 2HU 3 51.630378 -0.753777
HP11 2HY 1 51.627751 -0.748018
HP11 2HZ 0 51.627667 -0.753698
HP11 2JA 0 51.627475 -0.757575