all postcodes in HP12 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP12 4DQ 0 51.634045 -0.792709
HP12 4DS 0 51.634 -0.785674
HP12 4DW 0 51.635158 -0.785455
HP12 4DX 0 51.622688 -0.789125
HP12 4DY 1 51.621837 -0.788584
HP12 4DZ 1 51.622324 -0.790493
HP12 4EA 0 51.622269 -0.788602
HP12 4EL 1 51.641796 -0.786622
HP12 4EN 0 51.621235 -0.791273
HP12 4ED 4 51.63046 -0.795593
HP12 4EP 0 51.620365 -0.790588
HP12 4ES 0 51.623945 -0.786303
HP12 4ET 0 51.621422 -0.788451
HP12 4EU 0 51.623732 -0.787494
HP12 4EW 0 51.620244 -0.791877
HP12 4EX 0 51.62398 -0.787964
HP12 4EY 0 51.625996 -0.787332
HP12 4EZ 0 51.626055 -0.787822
HP12 4HA 0 51.627865 -0.786257
HP12 4HB 0 51.627437 -0.785748