all postcodes in HP12 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP12 4LD 0 51.625912 -0.785225
HP12 4LE 0 51.62696 -0.785761
HP12 4LF 0 51.627421 -0.785142
HP12 4LG 0 51.629257 -0.785266
HP12 4LH 0 51.63148 -0.784629
HP12 4LJ 0 51.625355 -0.78446
HP12 4LP 0 51.625023 -0.785937
HP12 4LQ 0 51.630813 -0.786178
HP12 4LR 2 51.625077 -0.788845
HP12 4LS 0 51.624251 -0.790759
HP12 4LT 0 51.625946 -0.790338
HP12 4LU 3 51.626382 -0.788983
HP12 4LX 0 51.625739 -0.788553
HP12 4LY 0 51.627246 -0.788195
HP12 4LZ 0 51.627632 -0.789846
HP12 4NA 0 51.62745 -0.788825
HP12 4NB 0 51.62806 -0.790427
HP12 4ND 0 51.627752 -0.790998
HP12 4NE 0 51.625972 -0.791046
HP12 4NF 0 51.624557 -0.791603