all postcodes in HP18 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP18 0DF 20 1 51.787731 -0.956625
HP18 0DH 21 0 51.788153 -0.96029
HP18 0DJ 6 2 51.78924 -0.961193
HP18 0DL 6 0 51.789067 -0.96198
HP18 0DN 30 0 51.791907 -0.965888
HP18 0DP 5 0 51.79305 -0.96223
HP18 0DR 5 0 51.791338 -0.961551
HP18 0DS 5 3 51.804812 -0.960321
HP18 0DT 4 0 51.795078 -0.933392
HP18 0DU 17 0 51.80646 -0.942189
HP18 0DW 10 0 51.790945 -0.962191
HP18 0DY 14 1 51.803881 -0.937405
HP18 0DZ 6 0 51.801844 -0.940788
HP18 0EA 17 0 51.802435 -0.941529
HP18 0EB 7 0 51.812818 -0.945333
HP18 0ED 1 0 51.811481 -0.936915
HP18 0EE 7 0 51.820914 -0.921944
HP18 0EH 12 1 51.820684 -0.921667
HP18 0EF 1 0 51.807714 -0.91988
HP18 0EG 1 0 51.817827 -0.926573