all postcodes in HP19 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP19 0GD 30 0 51.832249 -0.804397
HP19 0GE 13 0 51.83258 -0.803387
HP19 0GF 14 0 51.833039 -0.80516
HP19 0GG 6 0 51.833267 -0.804603
HP19 0GH 70 0 51.836543 -0.807593
HP19 0GJ 10 0 51.835777 -0.805567
HP19 0GL 5 0 51.831795 -0.803988
HP19 0GQ 16 0 51.831839 -0.802942
HP19 0UA 6 0 51.83122 -0.803075
HP19 0UB 14 0 51.831421 -0.802533
HP19 0UD 6 0 51.831072 -0.801874
HP19 0UG 1 0 51.829887 -0.801166
HP19 0UH 6 0 51.830285 -0.802272
HP19 0UJ 5 0 51.830166 -0.801202
HP19 0UL 11 0 51.830038 -0.801873
HP19 0UN 5 0 51.829828 -0.800601
HP19 0UP 8 0 51.830956 -0.802806
HP19 0UQ 23 0 51.829216 -0.800559
HP19 0UR 4 0 51.83071 -0.801565
HP19 0UW 11 0 51.829432 -0.801439