all postcodes in HP20 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP20 9NW 1 1 51.822371 -0.826386
HP20 9EL 1 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9ES 1 0 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9EW 1 1 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9FD 1 1 51.81856 -0.809452
HP20 9FL 1 1 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9FN 1 1 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9GX 1 0 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9HF 1 1 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9HJ 1 0 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9HL 1 51.81856 -0.809452
HP20 9HP 0 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9HQ 1 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9JA 1 1 51.818553 -0.809475
HP20 9TY 1 51.822617 -0.826547
HP20 9TZ 1 51.822617 -0.826547
HP20 9UA 1 51.822617 -0.826547
HP20 9UB 1 51.822617 -0.826547
HP20 9UD 1 51.822617 -0.826547
HP20 9UE 1 51.822617 -0.826547