all postcodes in HP3 / HEMEL HEMPSTEAD

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HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP3 9JL 0 51.744033 -0.450898
HP3 9JN 0 51.742888 -0.449924
HP3 9JP 0 51.745535 -0.456518
HP3 9JS 0 51.744298 -0.46352
HP3 9JT 0 51.743044 -0.465228
HP3 9JU 0 51.742886 -0.458716
HP3 9JW 0 51.747382 -0.452551
HP3 9JX 1 51.742983 -0.456482
HP3 9JY 0 51.741004 -0.456462
HP3 9JZ 0 51.742467 -0.454892
HP3 9LA 0 51.743548 -0.455724
HP3 9LB 0 51.742614 -0.453757
HP3 9LD 0 51.742655 -0.452741
HP3 9LE 0 51.743395 -0.452977
HP3 9LF 0 51.742456 -0.468449
HP3 9LG 0 51.741882 -0.467165
HP3 9LH 0 51.743926 -0.453669
HP3 9LJ 0 51.744559 -0.453922
HP3 9LL 0 51.745012 -0.454225
HP3 9LN 1 51.745779 -0.455097