all postcodes in HR5 / KINGTON

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR5 3BA 32 1 52.204517 -3.032407
HR5 3BB 2 0 52.204877 -3.033395
HR5 3BE 48 3 52.203724 -3.03249
HR5 3BG 16 0 52.203969 -3.029174
HR5 3BJ 50 6 52.203342 -3.029979
HR5 3BL 29 0 52.20421 -3.02735
HR5 3BN 6 0 52.203689 -3.02725
HR5 3BP 5 0 52.204478 -3.027488
HR5 3BQ 1 1 52.203069 -3.031348
HR5 3BS 13 0 52.205173 -3.027285
HR5 3BT 1 0 52.204013 -3.026337
HR5 3BU 8 0 52.203464 -3.025211
HR5 3BW 1 1 52.204502 -3.026889
HR5 3BX 49 2 52.205072 -3.0244
HR5 3BY 1 1 52.20522 -3.02392
HR5 3DA 9 6 52.205997 -3.02347
HR5 3DB 40 0 52.204717 -3.021801
HR5 3DD 47 1 52.205618 -3.020534
HR5 3DE 2 0 52.20646 -3.020935
HR5 3DF 8 0 52.206496 -3.019837