all postcodes in HR8 / LEDBURY

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR8 1QT 1 0 52.089218 -2.446245
HR8 1QW 13 0 52.092997 -2.468703
HR8 1QX 8 0 52.087805 -2.441896
HR8 1RA 8 2 52.032484 -2.391542
HR8 1RB 7 0 52.033963 -2.392765
HR8 1RD 11 3 52.031024 -2.39252
HR8 1RE 1 0 52.02567 -2.385755
HR8 1RF 4 0 52.023274 -2.378797
HR8 1RG 1 0 52.020114 -2.371586
HR8 1RL 7 1 52.030024 -2.390617
HR8 1RN 1 1 52.0298 -2.387525
HR8 1RP 4 0 52.021772 -2.389903
HR8 1RQ 2 0 52.033408 -2.378385
HR8 1RR 10 0 52.015842 -2.391542
HR8 1RS 3 0 52.006139 -2.369984
HR8 1RT 8 1 52.004739 -2.372114
HR8 1RU 4 0 52.000637 -2.372619
HR8 1RW 5 3 52.027896 -2.392245
HR8 1RX 5 0 52.004143 -2.36695
HR8 1RY 2 0 51.997892 -2.364976