all postcodes in HR8 / LEDBURY

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR8 1JN 5 0 52.093032 -2.413792
HR8 1JP 5 0 52.096676 -2.418146
HR8 1JQ 22 1 52.065766 -2.410301
HR8 1JR 2 0 52.09396 -2.421256
HR8 1JS 12 0 52.087573 -2.41978
HR8 1JT 5 0 52.084204 -2.426071
HR8 1JU 19 0 52.099518 -2.42817
HR8 1JW 3 0 52.093546 -2.418887
HR8 1JX 11 0 52.102276 -2.415936
HR8 1JY 7 1 52.104728 -2.421941
HR8 1JZ 4 0 52.093587 -2.43194
HR8 1LA 4 0 52.042621 -2.424071
HR8 1LE 21 0 52.042368 -2.42178
HR8 1LF 17 0 52.035546 -2.421366
HR8 1LG 19 8 52.047835 -2.429005
HR8 1LH 1 1 52.046169 -2.429748
HR8 1LN 9 0 52.050201 -2.426634
HR8 1LP 17 0 52.056969 -2.424353
HR8 1LQ 1 1 52.04981 -2.429943
HR8 1LR 16 0 52.058799 -2.42297