all postcodes in HR8 / LEDBURY

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR8 1NS 8 4 52.050338 -2.435606
HR8 1NT 3 0 51.994982 -2.38399
HR8 1NW 2 0 52.07933 -2.45093
HR8 1NX 59 1 51.994589 -2.385677
HR8 1NY 7 0 51.997231 -2.380762
HR8 1NZ 2 0 51.997274 -2.375749
HR8 1PA 1 1 51.995225 -2.369807
HR8 1PB 13 3 51.994699 -2.376851
HR8 1QY 3 1 51.997789 -2.388603
HR8 1PD 4 0 52.004922 -2.384991
HR8 1PE 5 0 51.995267 -2.390197
HR8 1PF 9 0 51.994811 -2.389422
HR8 1PG 13 2 51.993572 -2.391565
HR8 1PJ 4 0 52.034983 -2.417832
HR8 1PL 42 2 52.036095 -2.421267
HR8 1PN 1 1 52.035983 -2.419839
HR8 1PP 33 0 52.035503 -2.418318
HR8 1PQ 34 0 51.995301 -2.39078
HR8 1PR 11 0 52.088222 -2.443477
HR8 1PS 2 0 52.088603 -2.440442