all postcodes in HR9 / ROSS-ON-WYE

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR9 6JG 0 51.865098 -2.618527
HR9 6JH 0 51.864792 -2.613396
HR9 6JJ 0 51.856954 -2.599002
HR9 6JL 5 51.84033 -2.638261
HR9 6JN 0 51.856252 -2.625143
HR9 6JT 0 51.917446 -2.607687
HR9 6JU 0 51.917107 -2.619098
HR9 6JW 0 51.871854 -2.619607
HR9 6JX 0 51.915475 -2.630269
HR9 6JY 0 51.911301 -2.622302
HR9 6JZ 2 51.917743 -2.631609
HR9 6LA 0 51.918911 -2.633154
HR9 6LB 1 51.919098 -2.633505
HR9 6LD 0 51.917037 -2.637473
HR9 6LE 0 51.91359 -2.636436
HR9 6LF 0 51.918835 -2.637426
HR9 6LG 0 51.91721 -2.654981
HR9 6LH 1 51.921455 -2.653138
HR9 6LJ 0 51.922298 -2.659926
HR9 6LL 5 51.927374 -2.663711