all postcodes in HS2 / ISLE OF LEWIS

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS2 9AA 7 1 58.264423 -6.782482
HS2 9AD 8 0 58.300311 -6.746941
HS2 9AE 8 0 58.312434 -6.733284
HS2 9AG 52 3 58.2867 -6.766597
HS2 9AH 9 0 58.283617 -6.760909
HS2 9AJ 10 0 58.292551 -6.780356
HS2 9AL 21 3 58.29492 -6.78411
HS2 9AN 12 0 58.292855 -6.779441
HS2 9AP 9 0 58.281538 -6.793129
HS2 9AQ 17 2 58.285585 -6.749867
HS2 9AU 35 0 58.280032 -6.765618
HS2 9AW 16 0 58.283033 -6.780368
HS2 9AX 10 0 58.275524 -6.756747
HS2 9AY 12 0 58.274339 -6.783679
HS2 9AZ 23 1 58.268867 -6.793513
HS2 9BD 54 5 58.330449 -6.668593
HS2 9BE 6 0 58.326767 -6.671069
HS2 9BG 36 0 58.319186 -6.675196
HS2 9BJ 62 0 58.323295 -6.698769
HS2 9BL 6 0 58.314526 -6.691877