all postcodes in HS2 / ISLE OF LEWIS

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS2 0BP 59 0 58.194485 -6.264924
HS2 0BQ 21 0 58.204997 -6.311706
HS2 0BS 12 0 58.205802 -6.264545
HS2 0BT 30 0 58.21876 -6.412007
HS2 0BW 83 1 58.202436 -6.268655
HS2 0DB 6 5 58.219083 -6.40811
HS2 0DD 20 2 58.216501 -6.410482
HS2 0DE 10 0 58.213719 -6.417328
HS2 0DF 23 1 58.217715 -6.415695
HS2 0DG 13 0 58.218286 -6.41609
HS2 0DH 8 0 58.221045 -6.413024
HS2 0DJ 8 0 58.220499 -6.417865
HS2 0DL 26 2 58.220413 -6.416457
HS2 0DN 65 0 58.224757 -6.407366
HS2 0DP 36 0 58.225157 -6.394989
HS2 0DR 17 1 58.227277 -6.392473
HS2 0DS 31 0 58.225921 -6.387174
HS2 0EG 4 1 58.224678 -6.384251
HS2 0DT 30 0 58.230594 -6.384938
HS2 0DU 31 0 58.237279 -6.38291