all postcodes in HS8 / ISLE OF SOUTH UIST

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS8 5RD 8 1 57.39258 -7.393544
HS8 5RE 8 0 57.387936 -7.407992
HS8 5RF 10 0 57.385591 -7.422927
HS8 5RG 13 0 57.385767 -7.365194
HS8 5RJ 8 0 57.393009 -7.334404
HS8 5RL 5 0 57.392066 -7.34135
HS8 5RP 8 0 57.353563 -7.358766
HS8 5RQ 35 2 57.392531 -7.352871
HS8 5RR 10 0 57.332319 -7.363551
HS8 5RS 14 1 57.323867 -7.368038
HS8 5RT 13 0 57.311008 -7.380994
HS8 5RU 8 0 57.391151 -7.34085
HS8 5RW 30 0 57.352975 -7.364957
HS8 5RX 10 0 57.202447 -7.399652
HS8 5RY 19 1 57.211289 -7.397232
HS8 5RZ 15 2 57.22253 -7.412449
HS8 5SA 22 1 57.242355 -7.399173
HS8 5SB 28 2 57.258318 -7.392731
HS8 5SD 28 1 57.276436 -7.401223
HS8 5SF 8 0 57.289039 -7.398836