all postcodes in HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District

HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS3 3AY 4 0 57.995039 -7.096534
HS3 3BD 11 1 57.919875 -6.682279
HS3 3BG 41 10 57.901715 -6.81385
HS3 3BH 4 0 57.90077 -6.811594
HS3 3BJ 6 0 57.90274 -6.815745
HS3 3BL 3 0 57.899073 -6.788135
HS3 3BP 17 0 57.887735 -6.733742
HS3 3BQ 3 0 57.899915 -6.813879
HS3 3BS 40 0 57.884537 -6.702348
HS3 3BW 19 3 57.899308 -6.771153
HS3 3DA 12 0 57.89893 -6.791208
HS3 3DB 26 5 57.898271 -6.796476
HS3 3DD 10 0 57.899209 -6.796669
HS3 3DE 2 0 57.899441 -6.794909
HS3 3DF 9 0 57.897459 -6.797736
HS3 3DG 10 9 57.897774 -6.798674
HS3 3DH 46 0 57.899227 -6.798428
HS3 3DJ 37 7 57.898192 -6.80248
HS3 3DL 45 3 57.899713 -6.802836
HS3 3DN 3 0 57.894427 -6.802737