all postcodes in HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District

HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS8 5TL 4 0 57.153789 -7.308347
HS8 5TN 36 0 57.160573 -7.338162
HS8 5TP 24 0 57.152953 -7.306379
HS8 5TR 8 0 57.108933 -7.37479
HS8 5TS 25 0 57.103485 -7.333311
HS8 5TT 20 1 57.106598 -7.366099
HS8 5TU 22 0 57.114895 -7.371967
HS8 5TX 25 0 57.124112 -7.373603
HS8 5TY 7 0 57.125612 -7.361096
HS8 5UB 20 0 57.136779 -7.328471
HS8 5UD 5 0 57.136306 -7.30597
HS8 5UE 7 0 57.114423 -7.302706
HS8 5NA 0 57.35289 -7.259592
HS8 5RH 1 1 57.396892 -7.331136
HS9 5UA 4 0 56.963055 -7.44137
HS9 5UB 6 0 56.966654 -7.43397
HS9 5UH 37 0 56.957775 -7.469096
HS9 5UJ 1 0 56.953918 -7.481706
HS9 5UL 8 0 56.952562 -7.481441
HS9 5UN 23 0 56.962149 -7.446262