all postcodes in HU11 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU11 5BN 6 0 53.864648 -0.247441
HU11 5BP 3 0 53.851291 -0.228635
HU11 5BS 1 0 53.849933 -0.228616
HU11 5BT 19 0 53.840726 -0.228428
HU11 5BU 4 0 53.839653 -0.227607
HU11 5DA 9 1 53.836039 -0.205206
HU11 5DB 6 0 53.83299 -0.199121
HU11 5DF 2 0 53.834941 -0.178712
HU11 5DG 17 1 53.83926 -0.266532
HU11 5DP 3 0 53.8395 -0.267009
HU11 5DQ 27 0 53.840226 -0.270581
HU11 5DR 25 0 53.83975 -0.268138
HU11 5DS 30 0 53.840754 -0.269176
HU11 5DT 7 0 53.840784 -0.268141
HU11 5DU 10 0 53.840095 -0.267121
HU11 5DW 23 0 53.83584 -0.27064
HU11 5DX 42 0 53.839335 -0.269295
HU11 5DY 15 0 53.838021 -0.271563
HU11 5DZ 29 0 53.837878 -0.272891
HU11 5EA 62 3 53.837702 -0.269454