all postcodes in HU12 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU12 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU12 8BB 2 53.730155 -0.1898
HU12 8BD 0 53.734659 -0.188029
HU12 8BG 0 53.737386 -0.20735
HU12 8BH 0 53.737591 -0.204218
HU12 8BJ 0 53.73731 -0.205291
HU12 8BL 0 53.741116 -0.204295
HU12 8BN 1 53.741373 -0.201645
HU12 8BP 1 53.740719 -0.201795
HU12 8BQ 0 53.738408 -0.204153
HU12 8BS 1 53.739875 -0.204848
HU12 8BT 1 53.740581 -0.206395
HU12 8BU 0 53.740007 -0.204054
HU12 8BW 2 53.740289 -0.201919
HU12 8BX 0 53.739079 -0.204518
HU12 8BY 0 53.738646 -0.205628
HU12 8BZ 0 53.737732 -0.205228
HU12 8DA 0 53.738762 -0.206776
HU12 8DB 0 53.737958 -0.20775
HU12 8DD 0 53.739604 -0.207165
HU12 8DE 0 53.739921 -0.208903