all postcodes in HU12 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU12 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU12 9FF 1 0 53.712094 -0.135766
HU12 9GE 26 0 53.72085 -0.180226
HU12 9SW 35 0 53.712294 -0.113497
HU12 9QR 0 53.707504 -0.113281
HU12 9TZ 7 0 53.710332 -0.112797
HU12 9TW 3 0 53.714384 -0.110388
HU12 9LB 0 53.725308 -0.144974
HU12 9QZ 8 0 53.708813 -0.111683
HU12 9LJ 10 0 53.720774 -0.173425
HU12 9DU 1 0 53.742492 -0.129159
HU12 9WJ 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU12 9HE 1 1 53.756351 -0.14397
HU12 9WG 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU12 9JD 14 0 53.730364 -0.140006
HU12 9BQ 12 0 53.707675 -0.11131
HU12 9PF 7 0 53.718979 -0.166591
HU12 9DX 1 0 53.737815 -0.134158
HU12 9DB 9 0 53.731887 -0.137922
HU12 9DE 2 0 53.771711 -0.133165