all postcodes in HU12 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU12 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU12 0LH 21 5 53.775183 -0.070819
HU12 0LJ 2 0 53.774446 -0.074146
HU12 0LL 3 0 53.750714 -0.045525
HU12 0LN 5 0 53.749879 -0.045594
HU12 0LP 2 0 53.76338 -0.074137
HU12 0LQ 1 0 53.762325 -0.060264
HU12 0NA 20 2 53.683675 -0.014756
HU12 0NB 18 0 53.683934 -0.015168
HU12 0ND 20 0 53.683357 -0.017269
HU12 0NE 30 3 53.686749 -0.019079
HU12 0NF 21 1 53.68915 -0.02616
HU12 0NG 8 0 53.688989 -0.032801
HU12 0NH 8 1 53.690928 -0.03265
HU12 0NJ 11 1 53.696411 -0.041938
HU12 0NL 3 0 53.694132 -0.048784
HU12 0NN 9 0 53.698706 -0.032757
HU12 0NW 23 0 53.703567 -0.032591
HU12 0NP 13 1 53.711222 -0.037825
HU12 0NR 11 1 53.718578 -0.018326
HU12 0NS 1 0 53.712912 -0.010576