all postcodes in HU16 / COTTINGHAM

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU16 4JH 26 1 53.787181 -0.402824
HU16 4JJ 7 0 53.788154 -0.406324
HU16 4JL 12 2 53.787966 -0.400957
HU16 4JN 17 8 53.794192 -0.398717
HU16 4JP 10 1 53.80421 -0.398221
HU16 4JQ 1 0 53.792185 -0.395149
HU16 4JR 10 1 53.802502 -0.401027
HU16 4JS 6 1 53.795885 -0.407686
HU16 4JT 17 9 53.795187 -0.405951
HU16 4JW 4 1 53.798107 -0.399038
HU16 4JX 1 1 53.797762 -0.406901
HU16 4LL 20 16 53.783545 -0.407182
HU16 4LF 8 0 53.779656 -0.407435
HU16 4LH 32 1 53.780393 -0.407884
HU16 4LJ 18 0 53.780335 -0.407091
HU16 4LQ 34 0 53.78117 -0.407014
HU16 4LS 16 0 53.784542 -0.405793
HU16 4LT 3 1 53.784368 -0.406225
HU16 4LU 51 1 53.783339 -0.405884
HU16 4LX 13 1 53.783635 -0.404522