all postcodes in HU16 / COTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the HU16 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU16 5AA 13 0 53.780985 -0.421576
HU16 5AB 23 1 53.780483 -0.422414
HU16 5AD 70 0 53.779446 -0.424183
HU16 5AE 11 0 53.778846 -0.422324
HU16 5AF 9 0 53.778945 -0.422988
HU16 5AG 16 0 53.779054 -0.421724
HU16 5AH 29 0 53.778323 -0.425576
HU16 5AJ 34 0 53.777771 -0.426037
HU16 5AL 4 0 53.77744 -0.430223
HU16 5AN 20 0 53.777082 -0.425531
HU16 5AP 7 0 53.777148 -0.415558
HU16 5AR 36 0 53.776279 -0.414899
HU16 5AS 24 0 53.778513 -0.414763
HU16 5AT 23 0 53.778457 -0.415327
HU16 5AU 42 0 53.77827 -0.416093
HU16 5AX 34 0 53.777358 -0.413775
HU16 5AY 17 0 53.777047 -0.411996
HU16 5AZ 29 0 53.776068 -0.41616
HU16 5BA 36 0 53.776557 -0.41168
HU16 5BB 23 0 53.776123 -0.413518