all postcodes in HU16 / COTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the HU16 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU16 4DS 37 0 53.780509 -0.409406
HU16 4DT 22 0 53.77969 -0.41138
HU16 4DU 8 1 53.780219 -0.41054
HU16 4DX 16 0 53.780365 -0.412113
HU16 4DY 15 0 53.779406 -0.412969
HU16 4EA 34 0 53.778447 -0.412489
HU16 4DZ 2 0 53.779096 -0.409072
HU16 4EB 32 1 53.779545 -0.409245
HU16 4EH 5 1 53.784756 -0.413131
HU16 4EJ 29 0 53.786375 -0.412971
HU16 4EL 53 0 53.785559 -0.415393
HU16 4EN 9 0 53.785219 -0.414101
HU16 4EP 31 0 53.786384 -0.412463
HU16 4EQ 6 0 53.785078 -0.415017
HU16 4ER 13 0 53.785342 -0.411865
HU16 4ES 14 0 53.784872 -0.411494
HU16 4ET 37 0 53.786897 -0.411882
HU16 4EU 42 0 53.787044 -0.411436
HU16 4EX 37 0 53.785753 -0.409663
HU16 4EY 24 0 53.786118 -0.410697