all postcodes in HU1 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU1 1SB 1 1 53.743775 -0.331683
HU1 1SD 2 2 53.740945 -0.335662
HU1 1SE 67 0 53.741139 -0.335381
HU1 1TB 2 1 53.739635 -0.336297
HU1 1TG 18 5 53.739365 -0.335003
HU1 1TH 1 1 53.739523 -0.334072
HU1 1TJ 23 12 53.740387 -0.33629
HU1 1TU 8 5 53.739158 -0.334936
HU1 1UD 9 2 53.73884 -0.335593
HU1 1UF 2 0 53.738883 -0.334598
HU1 1UH 1 0 53.738503 -0.336531
HU1 1US 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU1 1UU 13 7 53.738723 -0.332975
HU1 1XR 24 1 53.743288 -0.333923
HU1 1UY 1 1 53.744394 -0.330324
HU1 1AZ 6 0 53.73781 -0.335179
HU1 1UZ 37 0 53.738445 -0.334942
HU1 1WB 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU1 1WR 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU1 1WZ 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561