all postcodes in HU1 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU1 2HP 6 5 53.743238 -0.336169
HU1 2HU 7 5 53.743087 -0.334993
HU1 2HW 1 1 53.743372 -0.336976
HU1 2JA 8 7 53.742362 -0.334772
HU1 2JD 1 0 53.742464 -0.334995
HU1 2JG 1 1 53.742376 -0.33512
HU1 2JH 1 1 53.742313 -0.33447
HU1 2JJ 7 5 53.741855 -0.335853
HU1 2JN 6 6 53.742182 -0.336705
HU1 2JP 23 0 53.742051 -0.335694
HU1 2JX 4 4 53.742681 -0.337716
HU1 2LD 1 1 53.742933 -0.337736
HU1 2LG 12 0 53.742582 -0.33769
HU1 2LJ 15 0 53.741973 -0.336561
HU1 2LP 3 3 53.741918 -0.337776
HU1 2LS 1 1 53.742222 -0.337628
HU1 2LU 7 1 53.741737 -0.337056
HU1 2LX 67 1 53.741487 -0.337809
HU1 2LY 8 0 53.74105 -0.336764
HU1 2LZ 5 0 53.741262 -0.33715