all postcodes in HU2 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU2 9AA 21 2 53.749481 -0.345167
HU2 9AB 6 2 53.749144 -0.343497
HU2 9AD 1 1 53.74884 -0.343615
HU2 9AE 25 1 53.749127 -0.344923
HU2 9AF 6 0 53.749591 -0.34401
HU2 9AN 1 1 53.749106 -0.346608
HU2 9AP 25 1 53.75104 -0.344135
HU2 9AY 6 2 53.751887 -0.344936
HU2 9BB 15 0 53.752265 -0.344936
HU2 9BE 85 1 53.752835 -0.34587
HU2 9BG 1 1 53.752511 -0.345867
HU2 9BH 4 0 53.753507 -0.345737
HU2 9BJ 5 0 53.753716 -0.345213
HU2 9BL 30 0 53.753532 -0.346237
HU2 9BP 22 1 53.75364 -0.344291
HU2 9BW 2 0 53.754006 -0.345178
HU2 9BX 12 0 53.751964 -0.345949
HU2 9DA 19 0 53.751823 -0.346789
HU2 9DB 1 1 53.751303 -0.346931
HU2 9JH 39 0 53.750428 -0.342764