all postcodes in HU2 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU2 9BL 30 0 53.753532 -0.346237
HU2 9BP 22 1 53.75364 -0.344291
HU2 9BW 2 0 53.754006 -0.345178
HU2 9BX 12 0 53.751964 -0.345949
HU2 9DA 19 0 53.751823 -0.346789
HU2 9DB 1 1 53.751303 -0.346931
HU2 9JH 39 0 53.750428 -0.342764
HU2 9JJ 44 0 53.751355 -0.342197
HU2 9JP 13 0 53.750449 -0.341686
HU2 9JR 30 0 53.751294 -0.34361
HU2 9LE 34 0 53.754378 -0.342411
HU2 9LG 50 1 53.754106 -0.342847
HU2 9LP 47 0 53.755483 -0.341018
HU2 9LW 18 0 53.75517 -0.343123
HU2 9PA 13 0 53.754071 -0.347505
HU2 9PB 41 0 53.754619 -0.346179
HU2 9PD 45 0 53.75425 -0.344176
HU2 9PE 39 0 53.755026 -0.344433
HU2 9PF 5 1 53.754981 -0.347014
HU2 9PG 6 0 53.754745 -0.346841