all postcodes in HU2 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU2 8BA 1 1 53.748286 -0.33478
HU2 8BB 1 1 53.748572 -0.33401
HU2 8BD 22 0 53.749182 -0.335867
HU2 8BH 1 1 53.747463 -0.33636
HU2 8BJ 1 0 53.747956 -0.334118
HU2 8DA 3 2 53.747541 -0.338798
HU2 8DE 4 2 53.747423 -0.339303
HU2 8DF 5 1 53.747953 -0.339934
HU2 8DH 28 6 53.747908 -0.338632
HU2 8DL 7 0 53.748302 -0.337904
HU2 8DN 1 1 53.749154 -0.337528
HU2 8DQ 5 1 53.748129 -0.339715
HU2 8DR 14 2 53.748809 -0.337936
HU2 8DT 8 6 53.748969 -0.33994
HU2 8DW 1 1 53.749007 -0.33689
HU2 8DY 11 11 53.749874 -0.337144
HU2 8DZ 7 0 53.749602 -0.336988
HU2 8EA 8 0 53.749918 -0.337097
HU2 8EB 1 1 53.749942 -0.337505
HU2 8EF 11 7 53.749893 -0.339175