all postcodes in HU2 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU2 8QQ 1 0 53.747329 -0.347527
HU2 8QS 1 1 53.74657 -0.348481
HU2 8RA 2 0 53.747651 -0.348461
HU2 8RB 7 1 53.748534 -0.348147
HU2 8RR 44 2 53.745534 -0.352268
HU2 8RU 1 1 53.745185 -0.352418
HU2 8SH 9 1 53.748716 -0.348783
HU2 8TA 33 1 53.748359 -0.35243
HU2 8TB 28 1 53.749022 -0.35292
HU2 8TD 1 1 53.747111 -0.35254
HU2 8TH 5 5 53.74848 -0.35147
HU2 8TJ 9 0 53.748639 -0.351221
HU2 8NY 34 0 53.747794 -0.346484
HU2 8BE 18 0 53.747665 -0.341917
HU2 8BL 14 0 53.747689 -0.341643
HU2 8LN 53 46 53.745453 -0.347501
HU2 8JS 30 0 53.74746 -0.343927
HU2 8JR 36 0 53.747658 -0.343313
HU2 8BT 7 0 53.748256 -0.338436
HU2 8RD 72 0 53.74812 -0.348815