all postcodes in HU3 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU3 1JX 20 0 53.748329 -0.357451
HU3 1JY 20 0 53.749361 -0.35867
HU3 1JZ 36 0 53.750311 -0.37295
HU3 1LA 42 0 53.751157 -0.364409
HU3 1LB 20 0 53.751005 -0.366492
HU3 1LD 79 0 53.750793 -0.37008
HU3 1LE 27 0 53.750303 -0.371009
HU3 1LF 48 1 53.750478 -0.368666
HU3 1LH 23 0 53.750763 -0.364515
HU3 1LJ 28 0 53.750882 -0.362736
HU3 1LL 25 0 53.749725 -0.3636
HU3 1LN 7 0 53.75102 -0.36345
HU3 1LP 12 5 53.750604 -0.356877
HU3 1LQ 14 2 53.750651 -0.366248
HU3 1LR 2 2 53.75134 -0.359858
HU3 1LS 10 0 53.754049 -0.357683
HU3 1LU 25 6 53.75169 -0.36002
HU3 1LW 1 1 53.749657 -0.365164
HU3 1LY 60 0 53.752903 -0.359145
HU3 1LZ 45 1 53.752843 -0.358677