all postcodes in HU7 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU7 4ET 39 0 53.795033 -0.338926
HU7 4EU 32 0 53.794486 -0.339008
HU7 4EW 5 0 53.794804 -0.326349
HU7 4EX 53 0 53.793888 -0.33932
HU7 4EY 29 1 53.793509 -0.338607
HU7 4EZ 36 0 53.792985 -0.339022
HU7 4FB 3 0 53.7855 -0.312875
HU7 4FD 1 0 53.785335 -0.312654
HU7 4FG 6 6 53.788619 -0.307088
HU7 4FH 16 0 53.777868 -0.303939
HU7 4FL 15 0 53.77793 -0.301979
HU7 4FN 11 0 53.792855 -0.317469
HU7 4FQ 24 0 53.776866 -0.304298
HU7 4HA 1 1 53.795148 -0.325242
HU7 4HB 48 0 53.793508 -0.336587
HU7 4HD 42 0 53.793508 -0.336587
HU7 4HE 8 1 53.793314 -0.335403
HU7 4HF 1 1 53.793204 -0.334778
HU7 4HG 36 0 53.79444 -0.336399
HU7 4HH 42 0 53.794641 -0.334645