all postcodes in HU7 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU7 3EZ 0 53.801937 -0.340885
HU7 3HA 0 53.798868 -0.33674
HU7 3HB 0 53.799409 -0.337553
HU7 3HD 0 53.799421 -0.336429
HU7 3HE 0 53.799224 -0.337773
HU7 3HF 0 53.800924 -0.34504
HU7 3HG 0 53.800789 -0.34374
HU7 3HH 0 53.801602 -0.344027
HU7 3HJ 0 53.801614 -0.34228
HU7 3HL 0 53.802802 -0.344966
HU7 3HN 0 53.802206 -0.344155
HU7 3HP 0 53.798431 -0.343499
HU7 3HQ 0 53.800864 -0.342628
HU7 3HR 0 53.80006 -0.343617
HU7 3HS 0 53.799912 -0.34464
HU7 3HT 0 53.799073 -0.342486
HU7 3HU 0 53.798552 -0.344481
HU7 3HW 0 53.800091 -0.34196
HU7 3HX 0 53.79808 -0.344135
HU7 3HY 0 53.798248 -0.342625