all postcodes in IP1 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP1 9WB 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9LA 1 0 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9LL 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9LB 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9LT 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9LW 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9ND 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9NG 1 1 52.052652 1.146613
IP1 9PB 1 0 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9NN 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9QL 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9QU 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9QX 1 0 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9QW 1 0 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9RU 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9RY 1 0 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9TA 1 0 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9TY 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9UR 1 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP1 9UX 1 1 52.052638 1.146583