all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 3BA 5 1 51.992834 1.406007
IP12 3BB 7 1 52.035243 1.416625
IP12 3BD 2 0 52.044505 1.445384
IP12 3BE 22 1 52.03234 1.450178
IP12 3BG 5 0 52.034622 1.453314
IP12 3BH 6 1 51.992121 1.405238
IP12 3BL 50 1 52.022091 1.415797
IP12 3BU 8 0 52.024661 1.416168
IP12 3BN 3 0 52.023353 1.415077
IP12 3BS 10 1 52.024743 1.414293
IP12 3BT 2 0 52.023455 1.412097
IP12 3BW 6 0 52.022559 1.415454
IP12 3BX 14 0 52.025633 1.414915
IP12 3BY 3 0 52.026544 1.417011
IP12 3BZ 28 0 52.025297 1.418112
IP12 3DA 44 1 52.0242 1.416876
IP12 3DB 7 0 52.023114 1.416794
IP12 3DE 3 0 52.025019 1.413119
IP12 3DF 1 1 52.092047 1.315743
IP12 3DG 6 0 52.026602 1.418095