all postcodes in IP14 / STOWMARKET

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP14 5BE 2 2 52.184537 1.018458
IP14 5BJ 15 2 52.192783 1.020963
IP14 5BL 12 0 52.189073 1.021487
IP14 5BN 5 0 52.184832 1.021668
IP14 5BP 7 0 52.178001 1.026721
IP14 5BQ 17 0 52.184988 1.020859
IP14 5BT 28 1 52.187624 1.014512
IP14 5BS 4 0 52.187129 1.01837
IP14 5BW 1 0 52.187218 1.033112
IP14 5BX 26 0 52.18631 1.01909
IP14 5BY 23 0 52.186076 1.018401
IP14 5DA 42 0 52.204079 1.045034
IP14 5DB 3 0 52.188895 1.097654
IP14 5DD 6 0 52.211095 1.053024
IP14 5DE 1 0 52.213804 1.060574
IP14 5DF 12 0 52.215777 1.054575
IP14 5DG 1 0 52.224653 1.057
IP14 5DJ 2 1 52.19114 1.09743
IP14 5DL 2 0 52.190824 1.097466
IP14 5DN 4 0 52.189658 1.097663