all postcodes in IP15 / ALDEBURGH

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP15 5DG 1 52.147838 1.599924
IP15 5DJ 1 52.149101 1.600669
IP15 5DL 0 52.149393 1.6003
IP15 5DN 0 52.149067 1.60033
IP15 5DP 0 52.158358 1.603275
IP15 5DQ 0 52.148039 1.600408
IP15 5DR 0 52.147564 1.600355
IP15 5DS 1 52.154942 1.602925
IP15 5DT 0 52.15454 1.600758
IP15 5DU 0 52.153251 1.600288
IP15 5DW 1 52.159551 1.597566
IP15 5DX 0 52.154795 1.598892
IP15 5DY 0 52.156221 1.599329
IP15 5DZ 1 52.154337 1.598299
IP15 5EA 0 52.155371 1.598309
IP15 5EB 0 52.157645 1.594837
IP15 5ED 0 52.15508 1.597833
IP15 5EE 0 52.15389 1.597897
IP15 5EF 0 52.156057 1.596157
IP15 5EG 1 52.155616 1.595887