all postcodes in IP17 / SAXMUNDHAM

find any address or company within the IP17 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP17 1YT 0 52.21632 1.480861
IP17 1FD 3 0 52.193689 1.565445
IP17 1FH 12 0 52.216963 1.490752
IP17 1FB 19 0 52.163529 1.496437
IP17 1AW 0 52.18674 1.55826
IP17 1NA 39 1 52.199819 1.482016
IP17 1GF 0 52.214309 1.495947
IP17 1GG 0 52.214561 1.49503
IP17 1GJ 11 0 52.162791 1.496804
IP17 1GL 23 0 52.215942 1.495564
IP17 1GN 31 0 52.215856 1.495029
IP17 1RA 0 52.172837 1.500475
IP17 1FE 39 0 52.21499 1.478707
IP17 1FG 15 0 52.214561 1.477781
IP17 1FJ 55 0 52.213515 1.477772
IP17 1FL 22 0 52.215249 1.477615
IP17 1FN 31 0 52.216257 1.477503
IP17 1FF 10 0 52.185581 1.528826
IP17 1ZF 0 52.190347 1.558841
IP17 1QP 0 52.171658 1.502254