all postcodes in IP17 / SAXMUNDHAM

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP17 3JN 2 0 52.272743 1.49436
IP17 3JP 4 0 52.284958 1.493591
IP17 3JQ 12 0 52.272484 1.499325
IP17 3JR 6 0 52.286589 1.506553
IP17 3JS 22 0 52.270884 1.498685
IP17 3JU 31 0 52.26513 1.509212
IP17 3JW 2 1 52.276118 1.492778
IP17 3JZ 1 1 52.255156 1.536257
IP17 3LA 2 0 52.267674 1.516612
IP17 3LD 6 0 52.26764 1.51913
IP17 3LE 1 0 52.264037 1.513567
IP17 3LF 3 0 52.263352 1.517559
IP17 3LG 7 0 52.262868 1.518518
IP17 3LH 4 0 52.260366 1.524769
IP17 3LJ 3 0 52.260121 1.525439
IP17 3LL 2 0 52.262673 1.525964
IP17 3LN 15 0 52.254806 1.538764
IP17 3LP 2 0 52.256544 1.545908
IP17 3LQ 1 1 52.260382 1.515799
IP17 3LR 2 0 52.251951 1.539475