all postcodes in IP19 / SOUTHWOLD

find any address or company within the IP19 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP19 8DR 52 0 52.337633 1.493781
IP19 8DS 36 0 52.335165 1.49482
IP19 8DT 10 0 52.335937 1.495791
IP19 8DU 4 0 52.336915 1.499803
IP19 8DW 6 0 52.336208 1.496032
IP19 8DX 12 0 52.33633 1.501343
IP19 8DY 14 0 52.335395 1.503134
IP19 8DZ 13 0 52.335609 1.501066
IP19 8EA 30 0 52.335757 1.499726
IP19 8EB 24 0 52.334847 1.499787
IP19 8ED 35 0 52.334095 1.499654
IP19 8EE 48 0 52.334581 1.502364
IP19 8EF 27 0 52.33335 1.500505
IP19 8EG 14 0 52.332335 1.498971
IP19 8EH 14 0 52.334549 1.498001
IP19 8EJ 45 0 52.337917 1.495742
IP19 8EL 21 0 52.336234 1.498824
IP19 8EN 23 20 52.336892 1.507261
IP19 8EP 8 1 52.345235 1.503442
IP19 8EQ 32 0 52.333572 1.498482