all postcodes in IP2 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP2 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP2 8AA 8 0 52.051062 1.152365
IP2 8AB 59 0 52.050602 1.149707
IP2 8AD 43 1 52.050797 1.148379
IP2 8AH 41 0 52.050819 1.146878
IP2 8AJ 1 1 52.050889 1.145395
IP2 8AL 1 1 52.050625 1.144151
IP2 8AN 1 1 52.050585 1.144644
IP2 8AP 53 1 52.050033 1.148807
IP2 8AR 8 0 52.049821 1.150688
IP2 8AS 1 0 52.049821 1.151695
IP2 8AT 20 0 52.049403 1.150834
IP2 8AU 13 0 52.04925 1.148839
IP2 8AW 3 0 52.050225 1.150045
IP2 8AX 11 0 52.049502 1.148798
IP2 8AY 14 0 52.049589 1.147915
IP2 8AZ 5 0 52.049143 1.147446
IP2 8BA 12 0 52.048923 1.146584
IP2 8BB 6 0 52.048536 1.147286
IP2 8BD 14 0 52.048049 1.145954
IP2 8BE 4 1 52.048439 1.145734