all postcodes in IP20 / HARLESTON

find any address or company within the IP20 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP20 0EG 13 0 52.416377 1.345201
IP20 0EJ 4 1 52.41547 1.352284
IP20 0EL 1 0 52.415656 1.351415
IP20 0EN 36 1 52.418318 1.349378
IP20 0EP 5 1 52.423848 1.354347
IP20 0ET 29 1 52.420224 1.358735
IP20 0EU 21 0 52.419638 1.359117
IP20 0EX 7 0 52.422875 1.363894
IP20 0HA 19 0 52.414046 1.343807
IP20 0HB 4 0 52.414015 1.342377
IP20 0HE 13 0 52.414387 1.342891
IP20 0HG 17 0 52.413464 1.341174
IP20 0HH 29 0 52.413329 1.342458
IP20 0HJ 54 0 52.409443 1.342811
IP20 0HP 9 0 52.41671 1.343744
IP20 0HS 6 1 52.414715 1.345428
IP20 0HR 15 0 52.411106 1.343466
IP20 0JB 18 1 52.392352 1.337167
IP20 0JD 2 0 52.380774 1.335159
IP20 0JE 9 0 52.38014 1.333715