all postcodes in IP22 / EYE

find any address or company within the IP22 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP22 5RQ 52 0 52.382422 1.079975
IP22 5RR 6 0 52.381326 1.08303
IP22 5RS 12 0 52.382788 1.083866
IP22 5RT 7 0 52.382159 1.085571
IP22 5RU 8 1 52.381249 1.080129
IP22 5RW 7 0 52.382514 1.081981
IP22 5RX 9 0 52.386424 1.076197
IP22 5RY 13 0 52.382575 1.100606
IP22 5RZ 10 0 52.387744 1.07626
IP22 5SA 6 0 52.388653 1.076588
IP22 5SB 30 0 52.388029 1.079807
IP22 5SD 8 0 52.384773 1.087429
IP22 5SE 16 0 52.376563 1.087033
IP22 5SF 2 0 52.374802 1.092565
IP22 5SG 7 0 52.374416 1.091761
IP22 5SH 19 0 52.380933 1.085354
IP22 5SJ 13 0 52.38168 1.086684
IP22 5SL 16 0 52.380473 1.087114
IP22 5SN 29 0 52.381538 1.086983
IP22 5SP 20 0 52.380869 1.088127