all postcodes in IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP22 1DH 8 1 52.344812 1.006726
IP22 1DJ 18 0 52.346177 1.005718
IP22 1DL 18 0 52.344196 1.004438
IP22 1DN 5 0 52.345992 1.004502
IP22 1DP 10 1 52.343127 1.003265
IP22 1DR 3 0 52.342645 1.003511
IP22 1DS 30 0 52.340916 1.005684
IP22 1DT 29 0 52.342355 1.007147
IP22 1DU 4 0 52.342935 1.006923
IP22 1DW 31 2 52.344298 1.006031
IP22 1DX 1 0 52.340918 1.002454
IP22 1DY 35 1 52.339927 1.000376
IP22 1DZ 1 0 52.340596 1.001302
IP22 1EA 27 0 52.33816 1.000608
IP22 1EB 4 0 52.339355 0.999192
IP22 1ED 2 0 52.338908 0.99806
IP22 1EF 9 0 52.338692 0.996298
IP22 1EG 69 1 52.337801 0.995269
IP22 1EH 11 0 52.335387 0.992184
IP22 1EJ 3 0 52.335992 0.991711