all postcodes in IP23 / DISS

find any address or company within the IP23 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP23 8DS 7 1 52.330139 1.084619
IP23 8DT 4 0 52.330254 1.084039
IP23 8DU 20 1 52.329919 1.08105
IP23 8DW 1 1 52.329047 1.079244
IP23 8DX 1 0 52.327381 1.110203
IP23 8DY 45 1 52.326171 1.078839
IP23 8DZ 4 0 52.324094 1.078445
IP23 8EA 8 0 52.321353 1.082906
IP23 8EB 16 0 52.330131 1.078013
IP23 8ED 2 0 52.333758 1.075914
IP23 8EE 21 0 52.327593 1.073257
IP23 8EF 27 0 52.323047 1.064839
IP23 8EJ 4 0 52.321247 1.109538
IP23 8EL 4 0 52.328913 1.084725
IP23 8EP 1 0 52.29631 1.093047
IP23 8ER 1 0 52.303736 1.098612
IP23 8ES 14 0 52.311957 1.093435
IP23 8ET 4 0 52.315808 1.090607
IP23 8EU 1 0 52.316363 1.085978
IP23 8EX 4 0 52.315224 1.077873