all postcodes in IP26 / THETFORD

find any address or company within the IP26 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP26 5BS 2 1 52.579153 0.70119
IP26 5BT 6 1 52.585094 0.669055
IP26 5BU 6 0 52.567437 0.687551
IP26 5BW 14 1 52.572052 0.694977
IP26 5BG 10 0 52.570805 0.693277
IP26 5BX 11 0 52.553786 0.698637
IP26 5BY 3 0 52.551821 0.6691
IP26 5BZ 5 1 52.538602 0.670428
IP26 5DA 1 0 52.536603 0.686699
IP26 5DB 10 0 52.487124 0.707339
IP26 5DD 2 0 52.478555 0.693566
IP26 5DE 2 1 52.485205 0.672392
IP26 5DL 14 0 52.512877 0.652648
IP26 5DN 4 0 52.51237 0.652845
IP26 5DP 2 0 52.511873 0.652182
IP26 5DR 22 1 52.513305 0.652806
IP26 5DS 58 0 52.51419 0.651032
IP26 5DT 45 0 52.513782 0.651966
IP26 5DU 26 0 52.511353 0.650817
IP26 5DW 19 1 52.512457 0.653301